
Hi! Im Pat =]

The Story of Moms really starts with, you guessed it, my own mom. As a restaurant manager for the past decade I had been exposed to microgreens as a garnish and not much else. Little did I know about the bounty of fresh, flavorful food that I had been ignoring. 

Mom sent me a video....

My mom had been diagnosed with e coli a few years ago from a bad batch of romaine during one of the many outbreaks that have occurred in recent years. Being an avid gardener she decided to start growing all of her own produce. She found microgreens in her research and started pressuring me to grow them. Eventually I caved in and grew several batches of radish, pea and sunflower shoots. I was hooked. Along with my wife Rachel, we quickly expanded our seed inventory and went into business. 



The farm today is dedicated to growing microgreens for over 15 premier Seattle area restaurants and catering companies as well as home delivery to our local area. You can also find us at 10 seasonal Seattle area farmers markets including Ballard, Capitol Hill and University Place year round as well as the LaPasta and Harbor Greens groceries. The joy we experience when our food is enjoyed by chefs and home cooks alike is more than worth the endeavor of this project. Our family thanks you for exploring our story.